Fisting Betty Grable

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I recently found myself wanting to share with the world my love for the classic screen comedy, Just One of the Guys. My problem: How best to articulate my passion? An epic poem would be too long, but a haiku would be too short. Then it hit me: How about a limerick? I snickered with self-satisfaction -- my expression would best be described as "smarmy" -- and set to work. Here is the result:

Here's a word to the wise:
Rent the movie, Just One of the Guys!
The star of this flick
(playing a cross-dressing chick)
Shows her tits -- what a lovely surprise!


  • there once was a guy from Canarsie
    though clad in a pant, a sweet arsie
    he would turn a tight phrase
    and earn all our praise
    though hasn't yet mastered the farsi

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 PM  

  • isnt time to make another post????

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:01 PM  

  • Sorry Mike, due to technical difficulties I haven't been able to update in a while, but stay tuned, I have something in mind and will be "bringing down the fist" very shortly.

    By Blogger american glasser, at 12:06 PM  

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